


Why are there so many countries with names ending in "ia"?

Why are there so many countries with names ending in "ia"?#

Created: June 16, 2021 1:39 PM
Tags: Language

Recently, relying on the stability of "Vltava River" to maintain my emotions, I recommended it to my friend. After listening to it, he raised a question: why do so many countries have names ending in "ia"? Because he noticed that the piece is Czech, and the choral version has the Bohemian Mountains, which led to a random association.

But this is a good question, and I need to do something to distract my attention, so let's find the answer to this question.

First, let's find some examples and find the original English names, as follows:

  • Romania - Romania
  • Bohemia - Bohemia
  • Ethiopia - Ethiopia
  • Croatia - Croatia

From this, it can be seen that the "ia" character is a transliteration, derived from the root "ia". Although the names of these countries are mostly not derived from English, the Chinese names are basically translated according to English, so we have found the first link.

Many country names end in "ia"
Because the English names of these countries end in "ia"

By the way, I found that there are 39 countries in the world whose names end in "ia", accounting for 17% of the total number of countries in the world (a total of 230 countries). It can indeed be said that many countries end in "ia". For details, see

Countries Ending in 'ia'

It can be said that it is a coincidence that so many countries end in "ia", but I am more and more skeptical of coincidences. There is always a common principle behind coincidences.

So I looked up the root "ia".


Translated, the root "ia" usually represents words related to countries, diseases, and flowers, and comes from Latin and Greek. In Latin, it means "the place where a tribe lives". In other materials, the root "ia" also represents a state or region.

In simple terms, "ia" is similar to the Chinese character "国" (country). So when translating the names of countries from other languages, "ia" is added to indicate that the word represents a country. So the logical chain is

Many country names end in "ia"
Because the English names of these countries end in "ia"
"ia" is the root of words related to countries

From this, it can be inferred that the names of these countries all come from the settlement of a certain ethnic group or tribe. Let's randomly sample one and take a look.

  • Romania - derived from the naming after the Eastern Roman Empire conquered the region, combining Roman (Roman) + "ia" (settlement)
  • Bohemia - The ancient Roman writer referred to the occupied area as Boihaemum, which first appeared in Tacitus' Germania (written in the late 1st century). The name includes the tribal name of the Boii people, Boi-, plus the root of the word "homeland" in Germanic xaim-, derived from Boi (Boii) + the suffix "ia"

Since I don't plan to write a research paper on country names ending in "ia", I won't continue to delve into all the country names ending in "ia". But obviously, we have found an explanation. These countries used to be the settlements of a certain ethnic group, and when naming their countries, they translated them into English and added the root "ia" to indicate that it is the name of a country.

I believe that there must have been linguists who have written relevant papers, but obviously the answer to this question is not difficult to find. What is difficult is to discover this question and the logic of finding the answer.

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